If you’re dreaming of making outstanding projects but don’t know exactly how to start, you’re in the right place. This blog will teach you all the basics of this art with ancient roots and remarkable benefits. Besides exploring your creativity, sewing is a great way to keep your brain active and healthy, warding off dementia. Below is a guide on how to embark on your sewing journey.
Sewing checklist
You don’t really need much to start sewing. If you have a needle, thread, fabric, and scissors, you’re ready to work on your project. Since many types of material are available, you’ll have to figure out which is more suitable for your project. For instance, if you’re looking for a vibrant, colourful design, you may want to use an african print fabric. They come in different styles, so it will be easy to find something that matches your style. Here’s a list of common fabrics:-
• Denim – heavy-weighted, this fabric doesn’t drape well.
• Lace – a see-through fabric that is used as a decorative piece. Since it’s very delicate, working with it can be difficult; however, it is ideal for accents.
• Silk – lightweight and delicate, this fabric is also hard to work with, as it is very slippery. It is suitable for lining.
• Spandex – a stretchy fabric ideal for the design of tight, form-fitting pieces;
• Satin – the weight of this fabric varies from light to heavy, and its appearance is similar to silk.
• Polyester – This fabric is manufactured, has low water absorbency, and is generally used in designing clothes.
• Cotton – a lightweight and versatile fabric that’s good for beginners, as it is easy to sew. This material is perfect for clothing items, so if you want to create a trendy skirt, you can opt for an african fabric made of 100% cotton.
• Knit – comes in different weights; this fabric is stretchy and suitable for garments.
• Corduroy – incredibly thick and ribbed; this fabric is used for clothing.
This list is by no means comprehensive, but once you’ve chosen your fabric, it’s easier to decide what thread you’ll use. However, here are some tips to keep in mind:
• If you plan to sew something that requires a stretch, such as spandex, it’s best to opt for a polyester fabric;
• A cotton thread is the best option for cotton fabrics. But here’s a little warning: a thinner cotton thread doesn’t contain much stretch and can break easily;
• It’s vital to consider the thread’s weight and thickness.
To buy or not to buy a sewing machine?
While some sewing enthusiasts begin their journey only with a needle and a thread, others opt for a sewing machine. So, you may wonder what’s the best way to venture into sewing. Well, both options have their pros and cons, so it’s up to you what you choose. Obviously, the first advantage of hand sewing is that it is inexpensive compared to machine sewing. Secondly, it is more manageable for oversized projects and can be more precise. On the other hand, a sewing machine is suitable if you want to speed up sewing time and ensure the stitches are secure. Regardless of your choice, you’ll need to arm yourself with patience and persistence.
If you decide you want to use a sewing machine, it’s essential to know how to pick one. The first thing to consider is its weight – the best machines are heavier ones, as they are made of sturdy and timeless materials. On the contrary, a featherweight machine won’t have all the necessary features and may consist of cheap plastic. Besides, they will move around the table if they are extra light, making it difficult to sew. You also want to consider the straight line stitch capabilities of the machine. The basic stitch for sewing projects is the straight line stitch, so if you think a machine doesn’t perform well, consider trying out another one. After all, this is a critical aspect, and you should be able to use the machine for several years. Lastly, you want to choose a sewing machine with strength and good speed. Quality matters, so avoid investing in a cheap machine. Ensure it has everything you need to tackle your projects successfully.
Make sure you know how to read sewing patterns
As a beginner sewist, one of the major challenges you’ll face is learning to read a sewing pattern. You’ll need all parts of the pattern – yes, even the back of the package. Firstly, use the back of the pattern to learn all the necessary information about the materials, including fabric type and amount. Then, make sure to read all the instructions before you begin working on your project. The full patterns include details of the material, layouts, symbols, alternations, cutting and marking, and images. Lastly, look at the symbols on the pattern. If you don’t understand them, don’t worry, there are tons of resources online that can help you decipher their meaning. For instance, a common symbol is a solid line with scissors, which is used for the cutting line to show where to cut.
Get the fabric cutting right
“Measure twice, cut once” is an old adage that makes a lot of sense in sewing. If you don’t cut the fabric correctly, your project could be ruined, costing you a lot of money. Since the material isn’t cheap, you need to cut it right so you won’t damage it. But don’t stress! We’ll teach you how to cut the fabric perfectly so you can create your masterpiece.
• Prepare your fabric and tools. Before cutting your fabric, you need to ensure it is ready for the process – that means washing it if you’re planning to create a wearable item. It’s also vital to press the fabric in order to eliminate wrinkles; that way, the material will be flat and ready for cutting. If you don’t want to damage the fabric, you should avoid using a dull blade when cutting it. Instead, you want to choose a tool that snips in the fabric’s threads precisely, so consider using a rotary cutter, for example.
• Align your selvages. When cutting fabric, the pattern’s instruction will generally indicate to fold it so you can trace different pattern pieces simultaneously. Thus, make sure the selvages (the fabric’s self-finished edge) are closely matched.
• Read the pattern carefully. This is probably a no-brainer, but it’s vital to consider this factor. Experts create patterns to help you make the most outstanding project. Most projects include directional arrows that illustrate the pattern’s direction, and it’s vital to ensure they are parallel to the selvage.
• Double-check everything. After going through all the steps, you may think you’re ready to start cutting. But that’s not right! You must double-check to ensure everything is in its place. Only then you’ll be ready to work on your wonderful piece.
The bottom line
As with everything else in life, sewing is a learning process, so it’s essential to take your time as you discover the basics of this art and experiment with it. As a famous quote says,’ every master was once a beginner’. If you persevere, you’ll succeed in making beautiful projects.