There seems to be an automatic assumption, as in your July issue, that people living on their own, are lonely and isolated. I believe that may be true of some, perhaps the majority. However, I cannot be the only person who much prefers living on my own. It was my choice to live alone, rather than having it forced on me that undoubtedly makes a difference. Your article on silver separation would seem to bear out that living with someone else is not always a bed of roses.
Raising a family almost inevitably means putting others’ needs before one’s own, family life is full of compromises. I love my children but am thankful they live independently elsewhere. My spouse and I also now live 5000 miles apart, except for a few weeks of the year, and that suits me. Bliss to be utterly selfish, actually I am not entirely selfish as I do work every week for a charity.
At home I enjoy not listening to others’ choices of music, radio and TV programmes. There is no one to judge my behaviour. I don’t have to put up with anyone else’s irritating habits, or they mine. I am not antisocial but I thoroughly enjoy my privacy, and recommend it. If I feel like reading until midnight I am not disturbing another’s sleep when I eventually go to bed. Equally if I retire early no one will disturb me. Yes, I live in a house that has several spare rooms, which are used by select friends and family who also enjoy the peace and quiet here but then they go home! Selfish maybe, sane definitely.
E. Ince by email