Coventry Older Voices speak out

Coventry Older Voices speak out

We are a group of older people who will just not keep quiet!

We are an outspoken outfit who make our voices heard on behalf of the large part of the population of our city who are 50 or more. Too many people in this age group currently go unheard.

We reject the stereotypical view of older people, and regard ourselves as an asset to our community, not a burden. And while we aim to ensure that our own interests are not ignored, we are also determined to contribute to the society of which we are part.

Our interests range from public transport to policing; from health and social services to the provision of information; from combatting social isolation to safety in public spaces.

We work with a number of other local organisations to achieve our aims, including the City Council in their bid to make Coventry an Age Friendly City, as defined by the World Health Organisation.

And we have some fun along the way!

If you would like to learn more about our organisation, please take a look at our website at