Author Archives: Mark

Graham Short’s portrait of the Queen

Graham Short’s portrait of the Queen

Micro-engraver, Graham Short – best known for having inscribed the entire Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin – has recently finished working on an unbelievable  portrait of the Queen ...
Gardening ‘halves dementia risk’

Gardening ‘halves dementia risk’

Older people can halve their risk of dementia simply by gardening, dancing or going for brisk walks, according to new research. The study shows that virtually any type of aerobic activity boosts the a ...
Gum disease speeds up Alzheimer’s decline

Gum disease speeds up Alzheimer’s decline

Gum disease causes a greater loss of memory and thinking in people suffering the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study warned. Periodontitis or gum disease causes a six fold increase ...