10 ways you can help your teen to drive

10 ways you can help your teen to drive

There’s much you can do to help your teen pass their driving test more quickly. From helping them revise for the driving theory test to reinforcing what they’ve learnt during driving lessons, you can be a great help.

  1. Driving lessons are a must

Don’t be tempted to teach your teen entirely on your own without them taking lessons from a professional and reputable driving instructor. They’ll know the latest rules, regulations and demands of the latest driving test – you, in all honesty, may not.

  1. Drive properly yourself

It’s easy to slip into bad habits when you’ve been driving for a long while. It may be too much to expect you to drive as if you’re taking your test all over again, but bear in mind your teen may be watching.

  1. Be honest with yourself

Some parents – or other close relatives – find it hard to maintain their composure when accompanying learners. If you think you may struggle to have the patience required, then don’t personally take your teen out. It won’t do you or them any good: better to ask a relative or responsible friend to do it.

  1. Help with the driving theory test

An extensive driving theory test is part of learning to drive, so help your teen by testing them on their Highway Code knowledge. Point them in the direction of resources like this one for taking mock driving theory tests and help them to revise questions they struggle with.

  1. Get them started

The more work you can do before they take lessons the better. Help them become familiar with the car and mastering basic skills such as clutch control: this should really take place somewhere away from public roads – a disused airfield or maybe a quiet, empty car park.

  1. Keep it simple

Don’t try to cram too much into your driving sessions with them. Ideally, just recap on what they did in their previous driving lesson and revise for the driving theory test. Maintain a positive outlook and encourage you teen to always relish the next challenge.

  1. Testing and knowledge

When you’re out and about – even if you’re driving them or on public transport – ask them some questions based on the road conditions at that time. For example, ask them what they’d do at that moment, what was the road sign you just passed, and so on.

  1. Support what they’re being taught

Don’t be tempted to contradict what your teen’s driving instructor has told them, you’ll only add unnecessary confusion to the process.

  1. Be consistent with your terminology

When referring to the car and its controls, use the same terms every time. For example, don’t say ‘throttle’ one day and ‘accelerator’ the next. Ideally stick to official terms at all times such as ‘indicators’ rather than ‘winkers’.

  1. Plan sessions

Base practice sessions on their progress. For example, at the beginning very quiet roads might be best whereas once they’ve been learning longer, busy roads might be preferable if they’re at the stage where they need the experience of driving in heavier traffic.


Overall, your role is to support you teen when they’re learning to drive. Back up what they’ve been taught in their driving lessons and help them with revision and learning for the driving theory test.