Did you know that over five million older people are affected by loneliness? That’s 1 in 3 of the entire older population. And this figure is on the rise – our new report, The Future of Loneliness, found that demographic change alone could create a 40 per cent increase in loneliness over the next 15 years. Watch our short animation to find out more
As you’ve just seen, loneliness has a devastating impact on the lives of older people. That’s why we’re calling on everyone to help change the future of loneliness by promising to Be a Friend. The campaign is simply encouraging people across the country to get to know their older neighbours, and look out for each other where they can.
Prime Minister David Cameron has praised the campaign, he said: “The Be a Friend campaign will bring generations together to spark new and enduring friendships across the length and breadth of the country. I wish it every success.”
We took to the streets to find out what friendship means to you and how you think you could connect more with older people where you live. Watch our short film below to find out what you said!
As you can see, being a friend is easy; it is simply getting to know the people that live around you. From having a chat at the bus stop or over the garden fence, there are so many simple ways you can stay connected and make a difference to someone’s day, whatever their age.
You can Be a Friend now by simply visiting www.beafriendtoday.org.uk.