Adam Pike, Co-Founder of SuperCarers, gives us an insight on how to combat loneliness in the New Year…
- Don’t let the socialising stop with the festivities
Once the festivities are over, it can be easy to retreat for a quiet January. But, make sure the socialising doesn’t stop once the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve and plan social activities with friends and family to get you through the January blues
- Knock on a door
With January being one of the least sociable months, it’s a good time to reach out and make sure no one is left isolated. Why not try knocking on new neighbours’ doors to introduce yourself? You never know, you might make some new friends in your local community!
- Join a club
From book clubs for book worms to gardening clubs for the green fingered, the New Year is a great time to try new hobbies and there are groups out there for everyone. Even if you aren’t very active, clubs are a great way to meet people
- Cook a meal
Food brings people together and a hot meal is always welcome in the coldest months of the year. So, why not invite some friends round for dinner, join in a supper club or take a stew round to someone who can’t get out of the house much?
- Make some time for yourself
If you are the primary carer for an elderly relative and juggling the demands of a younger family, it can be tough to make time for yourself without feeling guilty. Finding out about quality care options in your area can help you to make time for yourself
- Give your time
Volunteering is a brilliant way to get stuck into your community. It doesn’t have to be time consuming, and there lots of organisations out there who organise a huge range of different activities, from calls to isolated elderly people to running local coffee mornings
- Offer a helping hand
Getting around can be difficult at this time of year, especially when it’s dark and icy. If you have access to a car, why not think about helping out someone less mobile with their weekly shop?
- Start a conversation
Seeing a friendly face can be the best way to start the day and cheer someone up. From something as simple as a smile to starting a conversation, it only takes a moment, but it can make a huge difference
Adam comments: “In the UK, loneliness and isolation is a growing issue. After the hustle and bustle of December’s festivities, it can be felt more acutely than ever in the short days of January and, with 3.8 million people living alone, it’s important no one is left isolated.
“Spending time with older relatives over the Christmas period can also reveal that some would benefit from more care than previously understood. This can be an upsetting realisation, but getting high quality professional care for a loved one can leave you safe in the knowledge that they have all their needs catered for.
“A shift toward greater professionalisation of the care sector in the UK has begun, and with 1.7 million more adults expected to require social care over the next 15 years, it’s certainly welcome. Growing demand and an evolving sector are ensuring a better range of choices for those needing care and for those sourcing care for others. As we move into the year ahead, we are keen to see this trend continue to the benefit of all involved.”