Tag Archives: smart meters

Smart meters

Smart meters

Very interesting to read the article about Smart Meters and thought I would tell you of our experience. In January Gas & Electric Smart Meters were fitted. We had paid a bill in January with the o ...
Health issues surrounding smart meters

Health issues surrounding smart meters

Dear Sir, I would like to submit the following letter for consideration for publication. I have kept it brief, but I’ve also attached a pdf file summarising some of the health issues surrounding ...
Smart meters

Smart meters

Dear Sir Re: Your article in the April issue of Mature Times – ‘Smart Meters explained’. I would like to tell you of the experience my wife and I had regarding these: I was contacted by e.on (our Gas ...
Smart meters

Smart meters

It was interesting to read your article on Smart Meters in the April edition of the Mature Times. We’ve had a Smart Meter for a couple of years now. As was explained, it comes in two parts – there’s a ...