Tag Archives: pensioners

Pensioners’ Discount Days in supermarkets

Pensioners’ Discount Days in supermarkets

I am now classed as a pensioner and although I am one of the lucky ones who is not living on the breadline I do have to be careful where my money goes.  I take advantage of all the offers available, s ...

The plight of Equitable Life pensioners

Many pensioners like me who invested their life savings in pensions with Equitable Life. Due to lack of control by the FSA the firm went bust and we lost most of our pensions. Before the last election ...

Part-time pensioners

The nature of retirement has changed and it is no longer a matter of leaving the workplace with a golden carriage clock and entering a quiet life of leisure. Many people are taking a more gradual appr ...
Pension money saving ideas

Pension money saving ideas

For many pensioners entering their retirement years, their biggest concerns are often financially related. Dropping down from a steady wage to a pension plan can often result in a reduction of money c ...