Tag Archives: letters

Dementia handbook for carers

Dementia handbook for carers

There are an estimated seven million carers in the UK –  that’s one in ten people. Three in five of us will be carers at some point in our lives. Yet how well equipped does this vast army of everyday ...
Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

Are you enjoying the various TV programmes about finding out family history?  Me too. Since retirement in June I have had more time to devote to this very addictive hobby. I was amazed that my first f ...
Lies, damned lies and statistics

Lies, damned lies and statistics

As one of the older generation, one of whom is deemed by some to be a burden on society, I wonder how much young people, particularly teenagers, know about the lives that people led in the old days. W ...
The answer is active travel

The answer is active travel

I saw my first edition of Mature Times today, and was much impressed, as I had no idea that such a useful newspaper was published and free! However, I wasn’t quite so impressed with the lead story “UK ...