Tag Archives: health

7 reasons to lose weight after 60

7 reasons to lose weight after 60

Why try to lose weight at this age? As time progresses it can become difficult to maintain a healthy weight due to the varying responsibilities and physical limitations that come with ever progressing ...
Heart Valve Voice

Heart Valve Voice

Leading physicians and patients have  joined together to launch the first ever group – Heart Valve Voice – to tackle heart valve disease in the UK after new survey results highlighted a worrying lack ...
Heatwave risk

Heatwave risk

Older people living in the South East of England are especially vulnerable to dying in heatwaves, new research has revealed. The area, which has the highest concentration of better-off households, cou ...
Happy to be living longer

Happy to be living longer

More than three quarters of adults are looking forward to living longer, a new study has revealed. But, despite the impressive figure, an overwhelming nine out of ten claim something needs to be done ...