Tag Archives: family

The increasing cost of saying goodbye

The increasing cost of saying goodbye

One fact that the majority of us avoid facing until the last moment is that we are going to die. Another fact is that when we do eventually do shuffle off, we’re also going to cost someone a lot of mo ...
Two famous Russian plays acted in Russian

Two famous Russian plays acted in Russian

Robert Tanitch reviews Uncle Vanya and Three Sisters at Wyndham’s Theatre, London WC2 Moscow’s Mossovet State Academic Theatre is here for two weeks with two plays by Anton Chekhov, directed by Andrei ...
Class, privilege and old-world snobbery

Class, privilege and old-world snobbery

Robert Tanitch reviews Relative Values at Harold Pinter Theatre, London SW1 Noel Coward’s comedy was never that good. It felt dreadfully old-fashioned, even at its premiere in 1951. It was, as Coward ...