Tag Archives: BBC

The TV licence debate

The TV licence debate

The BBC is again coming under fire in connection with the highly divisive issue of the TV licence, as the UK government announces that it is looking at the possibility of decriminalising the non-payme ...
A letter from Peter Dyde – TV Licences

A letter from Peter Dyde – TV Licences

Roger Philpott considers the BBC to be “one of our few remaining success stories”. Is he, I wonder, happy with the Britain he sees around him today? Personally, I think our country is in a grossly deg ...
Free TV licences: a war of words

Free TV licences: a war of words

It seems like the furore over free TV licences for the over 75s simply will not go away. You just need to read our “Letters Pages” to see that this is a topic over which many pensioners are still fumi ...
A letter from Roger Philpott – TV Licences

A letter from Roger Philpott – TV Licences

In the letter about TV licences, H. Thomas asks “surely the TV licence has become a tax on TV set ownership?” (Mature Times Aug. edition). Not so, on reading the TV licence or visiting the TV licence ...