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How my library helped me to achieve success

How my library helped me to achieve success

I was nine at the time when I joined our town’s library to read those books that opened up the world. We lived in the West Midlands, Dad was a postman, mum a housewife. It was a two up and two down ho ...
It’s hard to believe it now

It’s hard to believe it now

I am a friend of Kingsbridge Library here in Devon and will be taking my grandchildren there on Libraries Day on Saturday. They are twins, 9 years old, and just love to read. I thought you may be inte ...

All in a good cause

I am getting really fed up with plastic bags being pushed through my letter box asking me to fill them up with unwanted goods to give to charity. I pride myself on not having stuff I don’t need and ha ...
How old?

How old?

I recently attended (yet another) funeral. A friend, who did not know the deceased, asked me how old he had been. I wasn’t sure, so said “about our age”. “Oh, well, then he was ...