The National Federation of Occupational Pensioners (NFOP) has welcomed the call for a single, ring-fenced budget for health and social care as recommended in the final report on the Future of Health and Social Care in England, published by the King’s Fund. However, it strongly opposes proposals to restrict ‘universal benefits’ such as the winter fuel payment to pay for care.
Malcolm Booth, CEO of the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners (NFOP), and spokesperson for the Later Life Ambitions campaign, said:
“Pensioners understand more than most that times are tight, and that we all have to make sacrifices. However, we strongly oppose any measures that would impact on benefits that are currently available to all. All the available evidence demonstrates that means-testing fails to provide the poorest pensioners with the support they need and are entitled to, whether that is because pensioners are not aware of their entitlements, assume they are not eligible or are simply too proud to make a claim.”