Learning to age with my dog

Learning to age with my dog

Have you noticed any subtle behavior changes in your dog as he gets older?  My dog is definitely more set in his ways and seems to have a different agenda in his senior years.

Whenever I look at him, I’m aware that every day is a gift.

While we both get older, he is teaching me some important life lessons about ageing:

1. Healthy eating

As I age I am more aware of my diet and on the days when I over indulge, my body notices and I pay the price. I’m eating more vegetables and more organic foods.  While my dog eats a healthy diet due to my choices he still loves eating green grass when he gets the chance.

2. I spend more time relaxing

I know the importance taking time out to think and on the days that I’m too busy or forget, I feel rushed and imbalanced. My dog starts every morning with a good stretch and contemplation.

3. Spend plenty of time outdoors enjoying the view

One of his favourite senior activities is just laying on his outdoor dog bed in the garden and enjoying the view and smells. I work in an office and can easily spend too many hours at my desk. His desire to go outside is a good reminder for me to take breaks and join him out there when I can.

4. Relieve your bladder frequently

I drink a lot more water than I did in my youth, so visiting the bathroom frequently is a fact of life. I’m no longer embarrassed by it, as I’m aware how healthy it is to drink half of my body weight in ounces of water daily. As for my dog… well, did I mention that he’s a male dog?

5. Hug your loved ones

Bertie isn’t the most physically affectionate dog in the world. Sometimes he shows his affection in subtle ways, but a little affection goes a long way. I’m much more physically demonstrative, yet I’ve begun to appreciate that hugs can be expressed in many ways.

Have you learned lessons from your senior dogs, if so we’d love to hear from you?

By Tina Foster