I was heartened to read the latest research from our scientific chums in Germany regarding failing memory and its associated problems like forgetting names or where you left your glasses. Apparently, it is not so much to do with the ‘old’ brain getting tired, but simply the fact that the older we get the more information we have to hold and sift through. A study, published in the journal ‘Topics in Cognitive Science’, showed that computers – like our brains – slow down depending on their age and amount of information they have to process. Dr Michael Ramscar, of Tubingen University, said: “The brains of older people do not get weak; on the contrary, they simply know more.” I would like to thank Dr Whathisname for the insight. Now where is my iPad, I am sure I had my glasses on when I last looked at it!
Romantic own goal
Now, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner I would like to think I am as romantic as the next bloke. The Europeans, the Spanish particularly, are known to be a passionate, hot-blooded race. But I was a little taken aback by new West Bromwich Albion boss Pepe Mel telling his players to treat the ball like they would their wives!! I think he meant they should lovingly caress the ball and delicately stroke it into the back of the net. But I fear many may just assume he meant they should kick the old ball and chain into touch! I haven’t delved into his marital status, but assuming he is married, he may find himself relegated to the bench with the missus lining up to give him a free kick in the penalty area.
Nice cup of char-ming
The secret to a long and happy marriage may be simpler – and considerably cheaper – than most of us think. It seems we can forget the big romantic gestures, expensive presents and eternal declarations of undying love. The answer, we are told, lies in life’s simple things such as cuddles and cups of tea. The Open University spent two years studying 5,000 people on how they managed to keep their relationships on track. And their finding? “Surprise gifts and small acts of kindness were valued highly, with ’a cup of tea’ being singled out as a significant sign of their partner’s appreciation. Bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolates were seen as less important than the thoughtfulness behind the gesture. Grand romantic gestures, although appreciated, don’t nurture a relationship as much as bringing your partner a cup of tea in bed, or watching TV together.” So the next time you perhaps forget an anniversary or other occasion put the kettle on – quick. Take it to them in bed and turn the telly on. Even better, perhaps, a bedside teasmade might be the best thing you ever invest in.
Throne into chaos
I have heard of job-sharing and am sure it has its palace, I mean place! But the idea of HRH Prince Charles muscling in and surreptitiously usurping HM The Queen by melding their press and PR teams will end in tears. We, as a nation, seem to love The Queen unconditionally, whereas, many are not so passionate about the Monarchy – particularly some of its members – as a whole. I am sure The Queen is getting ready to relax the reins a little and allow HRH The Prince of Wales to have a go. It is easier now that the British people have perhaps taken Prince William, and the beloved little Prince George, to their hearts with more passion than the now Duke of Cornwall ever saw. But why, if The Queen is ready to stand aside, don’t we just cut to the chase and skip a generation?