Author Archives: Mark

Old miseries

Old miseries

I am writing in response to your “Letter of the month” March issue. I found it very hurtful and untrue to be classed as one of ‘A load of old miseries’. I am very surprised that Mrs Nidder thinks of h ...
Council tax

Council tax

I am 56 and single and I think I should get a 50% reduction on my council tax bill, instead of 25%. I do not understand why I should pay for part of a person who does not exist and who therefore does ...
Bus pass pleasures

Bus pass pleasures

I am writing in response to your article in the February edition of the paper entitled ‘Big society has failed local communities’. My husband and I – now in our late 70s and early 80s -no longer ...
What would make life easier for you?

What would make life easier for you?

Most people say “Having no worries”. Of course, we all worry about different things. When it comes to property, the list can be long. Do I feel safe? Am I going to be spend precious time and money on ...