Author Archives: Mark

Paxo bites Mature Times – I say get stuffed!

Paxo bites Mature Times – I say get stuffed!

As Publisher of Mature Times, it is not very often I allow my own august voice to be heard within its pages – I prefer to remain impartial allowing my talented editorial team free rein to publish arti ...
Something of interest – or is it?

Something of interest – or is it?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The so-called “Duck Test” suggests you can usually identify an unknown object from its general characteri ...
Venice – the unique and magical lagoon city

Venice – the unique and magical lagoon city

We all think we’re familiar with Venice from images we’ve all seen – from the many pictures in glossy holiday brochures to the iconic images painted by Canaletto, Turner, and many other great pa ...