Author Archives: admin

1 in 10 divorcing are over 60

1 in 10 divorcing are over 60

Growing divorce rates in old age could contribute to increasing isolation and a greater need for formal care, argues the International Longevity Centre – UK (ILC-UK).  In a new report, the think tank ...
Should you call 999 or 101?

Should you call 999 or 101?

You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threaten ...
Give hugging a go!

Give hugging a go!

Feels good, Dispels loneliness, Overcomes fears, Builds self-esteem, (Wow! they actually want to hug Me!) Slows down ageing, Huggers stay younger longer, Eases tension, Fights insomnia, Keeps arm and ...
The library is my first choice

The library is my first choice

I am 70 years old and was first taken to the library by my mother when I was 5 years old. It was a cheap way of keeping me occupied as it was after the war when toys were a luxury. Our present library ...