Superscrimpers: tips and hacks from the UK’s most frugal shoppers

Superscrimpers: tips and hacks from the UK’s most frugal shoppers

Saving money on the weekly shopping bill is a shared pursuit for the majority of UK shoppers which is why so many people have turned to a more frugal style of living.

This means cutting back on certain purchases, shopping around for the best deals and discovering ways in which to reduce waste and save as much money as possible. You can join this wave of wise shoppers by learning all the tricks of the trade so that you too can hack away digits from your shopping bills.

Shop Online

Online shopping has become a huge success across the globe thanks to the large variety of goods that the web has to offer. You can save money, time and energy by shopping for clothes, food, electronics and even appliances online. With a little research you can quickly come across fantastic deals that are often not found in supermarkets.

Sell your Stuff

If you have a lot of items in your home that you can’t find any good use for it may be worth your time to sell them. People buy all sorts of goods online, at garage sales and markets etc. So instead of throwing away your unwanted belongings, sell them and make yourself some extra cash.

Clearance Shopping

Almost every supermarket has its own clearance shelf which holds all the items in the store that has come close to or has reached its sell by date. According to the Daily Mail it is often completely safe to eat things that have passed their ‘best before’ dates. Of course this isn’t the case with all foods but the majority are usually fine to consume. Use your common sense to determine their status and you will find that living a more frugal lifestyle is a lot easier than most shoppers realise.

Grow Fruit & Veg

Many people have stopped relying on their local store to supply them with fruit and vegetables because they would rather buy seeds and grow their own. This is suitable for those who like to know exactly where their food has come from. By doing so you can save money long-term and become more self-efficient.

Write a List

Many shopping saving experts will advise you to compose a strict shopping list before you hit the shops. This is thought to reduce the amount you spend because if it is written down you are less likely to stray from your budget. Buy only what you need and avoid impulse buys at the store. If you stick to your shopping list then you will be able to live a more frugal lifestyle by having more control over how much you spend and what you spend it on.

Shop Cheaper

Shop in cheaper stores such as Lidl to cut back on your shopping bills. Supermarkets will often sell their own branded items a lot cheaper than the more well-known brands. Visit markets, garage sales and charity shops for great deals. To reduce the amount of wasted food in your home, Netmums advises shoppers to use up all of the food hidden in the cupboard and freezer before shopping.

This guide details how to correctly store food to reduce waste.