Hard working Queen?

Hard working Queen?

I question the claim that the Queen works hard, made on the letters page in the May edition.

Many wonder what she actually does – open a hospital or school occasionally? Cut ribbons, attend some military ceremonies, and sign the odd State paper?

Her holidays are huge – four months in Scotland, five or more weeks at Sandringham after Christmas, most long weekends at Windsor: there are more than 300 servants in this Castle alone.

As for “not using sticks” and “standing firm” she certainly should be in good health and active, having been cosseted and waited on all her life, not to mention first class medical care always available.

The Royal Family has continued exemption from the Freedom of Information Act, but fortunately some of their enormous and previously hidden costs have been revealed showing increases such as the £35 million spent annually on the Royal Train which does as little as only five journeys some years.

Then there is the matter of tax evasion and avoidance also involving Prince Charles. In a secret deal in the 90s John Major waived Inheritance Tax on the Queen Mother’s death.

There is little cause for sycophancy: concern is needed at least.

Marion Harris, Swansea