The most common causes of car accidents and how to avoid them

The most common causes of car accidents and how to avoid them

Car crashes are devastating events that leave the victims with physical and mental sequelae that can take years to heal even after the damage of the original injuries and wounds has subsided. Although the incidence has been gradually decreasing over the past few years, collisions remain a cause for concern among both drivers and pedestrians. There are many reasons why accidents keep happening, and being aware of them should enable you to keep both yourself and anyone else who travels in the car with you safe and sound.


Being distracted while driving is one of the primary reasons why accidents occur. While this is entirely preventable in some cases, other people might struggle more. Studies show that adults with ADHD are at increased risk of being involved in a car crash. The findings suggest that both the impulsivity and the inattention associated with the disorder are to blame, as they can impact driving ability. Even a momentary lapse in judgement can be enough to cause considerable trouble.

For this reason, it’s essential that patients dealing with the disorder follow their treatment plans and take their medication. However, distracted driving is considered a significant public health issue in the United States, even for those who don’t have ADHD. It leads to decreased reaction time and inability to steer the car in the correct lane, both of which can result in accidents that cause severe injuries and even fatalities.

Road rage

Road rage and reckless driving are unfortunately still common. Environmental factors are primarily to blame, as crowded roads fan the flames and substantially exacerbate anger. High-stress levels play a role as well, so although you might not be directly angry at something that happened in traffic, it can act as a medium to vent. If you were the victim of a road collision caused by another driver’s road rage or aggressive driving, you should talk to to discover the maximum amount you can expect to gain in compensation.

Controlling road rage is crucial. It’s easy to become infuriated, depending on the situation. For instance, if you’re in a hurry and the driver in front of you is very slow. But keeping those negative emotions is safe for both your safety and that of anyone else on the road. Emotions should never be allowed to override judgement. Aggressive driving must also be discouraged. While some drivers make honest mistakes, others choose to engage in reckless and potentially menacing and threatening driving practices such as tailgating.


Excessive speeding reduces the time you have to respond to a dangerous situation to avoid a crash. It also diminishes the ability of traditional safety structures such as attenuators, guardrails, crash cushions, barriers and dividers to protect the vehicle from impact. Research shows that for every ten extra miles a car gets over fifty, the chances of the driver and passengers being involved in a fatal car crash increase.
The numbers also show that approximately 86% of speed-related accidents occur not on interstate highways but on neighbourhood roads and city streets. When this happens, speeding is also directly associated with negligence.

Following rules

Neglecting to follow the rules will naturally increase the likelihood of an accident occurring. Disobeying traffic lights is a common culprit. Intersections are some of the most hazardous places on the road. Not following the standard rules in these areas is likely to lead to an accident, and even if it is physically not a destructive event, your vehicle will still be affected, and you’ll be left with a difficult, potentially traumatising event to heal from.
You must slow down and prepare to stop at intersections instead of proceeding and then realising you’ve made a mistake. By that point, it might be that there’s nothing you can do, and the impact is imminent. Many drivers take the yellow lights to be an indicator that they should hurry up instead of slow down, creating the conditions for an accident.

Stop signs

Intersections controlled by stop signs are also typically more dangerous than the typical roads. The main problem isn’t that drivers fail to comply with the stop sign, but rather that drivers don’t see the other car coming. Rapid decision-making poses the highest risks. As such, you must decide when it is safest to proceed. This is similar to the yellow lights dilemma that causes people to rush straight into driving without taking the necessary precautions first.
Stop signs should be free of any obstructions or visual obstacles, especially since the drivers who cause accidents because of them can be accused of negligent driving.

Bad weather

The weather naturally influences road conditions and can cause you to become the victim of a crash. You have a duty to be extra careful if the conditions are unfavourable. For example, when driving in dense fog, you should slow down to be well-prepared for any oncoming vehicles. This simple piece of advice could potentially save your life.
The same applies to heavy rain, snow or black ice. Although driving in warm, sunny weather can seem like nothing short of a pleasant experience, it can be hazardous as well. Driving during peak glare times can blind you and even cause eye problems. If you can, you should avoid the times when the weather is hottest, and the sun shines brightest. Invest in sunglasses that can help block out the rays. Make sure to keep sufficient room between you and the other vehicles on the road at all times.
If you can, you should avoid driving when the weather is poor. But if you absolutely must go somewhere, it helps to remain vigilant at all times in order to avoid any mishaps.

Driving is both a pleasurable, leisurely activity and a practical endeavour that allows you to carry out tasks faster and more efficiently. However, if practised without adequate care, it can be dangerous for both yourself and others on the road. Make sure to follow all the rules and avoid making any rash decisions. It could save your life.