Tag Archives: language

Mind your language

Mind your language

I often see misplaced apostrophes in the market but I put them down to ignorance or a way of catching attention. A notice I saw last week read “tomatoes cheep”! Do they? Why and when? I bought some to ...

Technology Jargon

We may be happy to use technology and tap away at our tablets and PCs but have do we understand the language that has evolved around the hardware and software?  Here are a few explanations of some to ...
Lost for Words

Lost for Words

We have read about the new words that are entering our language and our dictionaries and as life races away and technology brings new ideas and ways of communicating I have been doing some research in ...
Hello, is that you? This is me

Hello, is that you? This is me

We humans could never manage without language. Those early homo sapiens could never manage with just grunts. They, or their forebears, started with grunts and gestures of a sort, but how many differen ...