An insight to your year ahead from Starsite and Tricia’s horoscope predictions! See what is in store for you and your stars…
This should be a year to remember when good luck shines down on most of your hopes, dreams and ambitions. Jupiter is spreading much of its goodness your way offering new pathways to explore and gateways to open to help you move more easily towards your intended goals.
Although work is much more demanding than expected, look to long term results for hard work to transform your status and reputation. Spare time will be full of new adventures and many invitations to weddings, birth celebrations and partying generally, should come your way.
Mid April-May a new outfit and making yourself attractive keeps you upbeat and a few admiring glances come your way. Mid Sept-mid October is also a smooth time relationship wise.
Avoid overspending mid May-mid June and avoid arguments, and in late November watch for changes in relationships and keep all insurance up to date. Be careful while travelling.
The domestic front is prone to upheavals or you could be planning more overnight stays away from home.
An exciting and eventful year that changes your outlook on life.
A good year for consulting an astrologer to get to grips with your life pathway and finding out what would truly help you find fulfilment. Last year brought successive ups and downs and many challenges, but you begin the year on a more settled note, don’t expect this to last because come March you are back on the making changes trail once more.
May to June is a lazy time when you can relax and enjoy a few luxuries to keep you feeling valued and sweet as well as making you attract new friends and potentially a romantic liaison.
Travel town to city and back again takes up time and energy but keeps you active and alert to new opportunities. July sees you travelling to catch up with old friends and neighbours while August to September sees you share entertainments with loved ones.
Saturn continues to deliver a drag on achieving some of your goals but see delays as a friend preventing you from making mistakes, and enjoy the detours along the way to getting what you want.
Your reputation is sound, though many perceive your changeability with amusement, however at least you are exciting to be with and at work can prove inspired with amazing solutions that dazzle all.
Finances need care April-May avoid impulsive spending, August is a good time to look at ways of making investments work harder for you, or maybe you just cash in reserves and splash out on spoiling yourself! Income streams prove unreliable most of the year, but a few low cost risky gambles could pay off.
You could be talking too much and eating plenty so guard against overdoing either in the year ahead if you want to stay out of deeper trouble later.
You can be a chatterbox at the best of times but currently there is a trend that urges you to fill in gaps in the conversation with trivia, or gossip and this could impact upon how others relate to you if you share secrets that should be kept private. May- July is a key phase to keep lips sealed or think before you speak and stay away from arguments.
The total lunar eclipse is set to disturb family and finances as well as disrupt travel plans around the 21st January, with a solar eclipse adding further upset around 2nd July. Keep a tight hold of the purse strings.
Relationships are supportive on many fronts with new and exciting people gravitating into your circle some of them experts in their field offering new ideas and specialist skills. While January is smooth in affairs of the heart, June brings a romantic interlude to help you feel wanted and loved, while November consolidates bonds with those who really care for you.
The year ahead is a year of growth which alerts you to new ways of making progress in life and developing inner potential. You should realise greater goals are in your reach than previously thought possible, so listen to those experts around you passing on their methods of success.
Transformation, unexpected outcomes, unreliable situations and people, and a year of some trials and tribulations to keep you alert and on your toes.
It’s a year to take a closer look at relationships and perhaps take time to consider who supports your goals and should be kept close and who has grown away from you and may no longer share your best interests. Intimacy is precious to you but cannot be forced or co erced, so in February watch out for a special bond to be challenged, only you can decide what sacrifices are worth making.
July brings a romantic trend where you look and feel your best, it’s a good time to spoil yourself as well as take note of who is genuinely interested. A ‘Kismet’ attraction could send your pulse racing; it’s up to you what you do about it. Separations are likely to a pattern, but only time will see if they need be permanent.
Finances are really under assault keep valuables well insured and don’t leave anything lying around unattended, especially during the first month but also the rest of the year.
Career wise you keep encountering a need to change roles, work patterns or even jobs. May-June looks good for income streams and for thinking about self-employment opportunities or giving up one role to take on another. October is a busy time for home and work issues and also looks good for those who work from home or are looking for employment that offers a domestic base as well.
Sleep could be disturbed and a few of you could be having bad dreams or nightmares. Would a new bed solve the problem or are you staying in foreign places with traffic noise making you restless. Whatever the situation ensure good health strategies to offset the impact upon your performance levels Leo.
I see spare time is fully active and you could be burning candles at both ends with so much on offer entertainment wise and in the big outdoors keeping you active, busy and energised. Partying more than ever to help celebrate special life landmarks, and staying up late to catch up with work can be fun for a while but at some stage something has to give. Take special care of health and safety around 21st January don’t take risks or be overly confident of your capabilities.
Children and young people can be a positive influence making you feel young again and open to new sport and outdoor activities. Taking up that course you have put off for years can also prove invigorating introducing you to exciting individuals who stimulate your need to know more.
Teaching or passing on your skills to others will also be a feature, as will helping charitable organisations.
Love comes looking for you in January, March and again in August–how lucky in love you are Leo.
The home front looks entertaining with new people arriving on the scene adding interest and variety to the domestic routine. You can look forward to making new friends with unusual interests helping you expand your own ideas and inspiring you to step out of the routine and rut you often fall into.
Income is subject to twists and turns so spend within your means rather than risking everything on gambles that won’t pay off.
Group involvement with societies or networks with unusual or unorthodox themes and views brings contact with people from foreign places that will either motivate you to travel more extensively or reassure you there is no place like home.
Work also offers new pathways as well as presenting new outlets for your talents or giving you opportunities to develop new skills.
Relationships are presenting many confusing situations leading to misunderstandings with some people but also welcome dreams and schemes to pursue and enjoy. April brings loving exchanges with family and friends while July looks good for a holiday shared with those you care about with a romantic interlude to spice up your life.
Hopefully you are already making the most of a planetary trend for enjoying more travel to new horizons locally and regionally as well as meeting up with adventurous people with expertise in a variety of fields to add spice to your knowledge pot.
The domestic front is hard work with home and job creating conflict and demanding too much of yo9ru energy on occasions. Undoubtedly you have to pay attention to priorities that stand in the way of what you would rather spend your energy on. Detail isn’t your strong suit but missing out on important elements will mean major flaws occur later, so make sure you examine things carefully.
The first three months continue the same flashes of flare ups and excitement you have now become used to leaving you wondering when unsettled situations can. Be resolved. Some sweet talk January to February could help avoid major fractures in family and friendship affairs. It’s difficult to know who you can rely on and reaching out for group support proves merely a distraction rather than helpful. A more settled time arrives by April when peace and harmony can rule once more.
You begin the New Year looking and feeling good and finances allow a few little luxuries to be purchased to make you feel special. Money flows in quite easily in the year ahead and by then end of the year you acquire a few items of adornment for yourself and the home. Family affairs can be dealt with more productively and spending time with younger relatives helps keep you buoyant.
The year brings some unusual encounters with non-traditional points of view and ideas, transforming your own ideology and causing you to think again as to what your guiding principles in life should be. Strong believers will find your point of view challenged with the end of your year showing them more greatly modified than ever before.
July and August sees you put in more effort to carve out your place in the world of work, as well as taking a leadership role, and by late November you could be in campaign mode ready to fight for your rights.
Love wins the day May to June, and in August an office romance spurs you into some impetuous action. September to November arouses hidden secret passions and desires.
A year for making greater progress in life in many areas but mostly in acquiring new ways of interacting with others to aid popularity and help you get what you want. People find you interesting and lively, well-travelled and full of new ideas, however there may be so many new outlets for your abilities you could struggle to discern which offers to accept and which to reject. Still, you always enjoy juggling many balls in the air, and the year ahead gives you plenty to play with.
You’re not known for cautious communication and can often speak at odds with what others points of view. However it is likely that this year you are less able to express your personal opinions and beliefs as you realise that speaking the plain truth does alienate some whose co-operation you seek. Speak your truth sweetly or face the consequences centaurs.
August to October is a good time to act on projects dear to you and for seeking that position of authority or supervision you know you deserve. However, although your bank account can be relied upon to stretch to paying for essentials, don’t overdo spending or take risks with loans or overdrafts.
Love looks good from the first few weeks of the year while June and July also suggest times of harmony with those dear to you. April and May bring spare time self-indulgences and the possibility of a romantic encounter.
With ruler Saturn spending such a long time in your birth sign you will be feeling chemicals are reacting to your hard work and efforts to produce a reaction that suits most of your modus operandi. Hard wok comes easily to you and you often work late into the night when a project or task captures your attention.
The eclipse in January brings a female who helps or hinders and warning for the year ahead. Overspending on partying might win a few friends but will they stay around once the fun is over, and is a new male contact trustworthy or likely to take the money and run?
Autumn is the best time to take the lead at work or in any project, while September working with people you harmonise with helps build a good team that can get things done the way you envisaged. By the close of the year you join with those having the same goals as yourself so can be assured of commanding respect and approval for your efforts then.
Happily health should remain stable without too much to upset equilibrium and February to March I can see you at least take time out for some relaxation and self-indulgences. July is a good month for bonding with others more closely but a fly in your ointment for the year ahead is a deep need inside for greater intimacy than relationships allow.
Your behaviour is best described as shy and retiring or at least more pensive than usual. The eclipse in January does influence your ruler Saturn quite closely presenting you with a need to make decisions about what to shed from your life in order to make progress and make better choices about pathways to travel.
Good luck with all the introspection, thankfully by March you are more likely to realise you sometimes have to be good to yourself and put your own needs first, so save up for a make-over to help you feel renewed.
Finances are not your best reliable means of getting what you want; try accounting for income and outgoings before spending to boost self-esteem.
Communication is also a little confused at times so do clarify what you seek to achieve when dealing with family friends and colleagues to avoid misunderstandings.
Networking, joining groups, societies and new organisations can boost your social circle although from April to August things will work a little more slowly than you expected. January and November are months when you can encounter interesting people with unusual occupations and romantic encounters help boost your spirits.
Dream, dream, dream Neptune and follow your heart for the year ahead brings many outlets to express your hopes and work towards fulfilling your ambitions as long as you are prepared to act to make your dreams come true.
April to August will be challenging months when things don’t work as planned so be prepared to go back to the drawing board and pencil in more practical ways of getting what you want, but overall so many doors are opening you will be spoilt for choice as long as you stay awake to all possibilities.
March to April are good months for looking your best and attracting some admiring glances as well as the co-operation from people who matter in the general scheme of your dream scenario.
Finances are a little unsettled so don’t splash out on unnecessary items until after March. Income is steady though not as bountiful as your needs and demands would like, so recycling and making the most of what charity shops can offer help money spread further.
Love is looking for you in February when joining with teams and groups exposes you to potential romantic liaisons, and April can be a good time to bond more deeply with those you really care about. October your dreams of love lasting into the future heralds a passionate time at work and play to keep you busy till the end of the year.