Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for 2018

Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for 2018

An insight to your year ahead from Starsite and Tricia’s horoscope predictions! See what is in store for you and your stars…


Testing times to start the New Year but by end of January some good luck trends help you feel things can only get better.

March is a good time for a makeover so book an appointment with your life coach and be ready for those flirtatious glances coming your way. August and November are sultry months for love and seductiveness.

Career trends see you having to work harder for very little promotion or progress, but working with groups or in a team will help you acquire much needed update on your skill base for the future. March and August are months of increased drive, energy and ambition but expect to have to put in extra effort for frustratingly small gains, and leadership talents will be sorely tested.

Later in the year better opportunities come your way for planning for the future and there will be some good people around to help you get what you want.

Be assured that 2018 eventually gives you new powers and position from which to exercise them.


Lifestyle and domestic changes bring new hope for the year ahead, with extra travel now needed to visit people and places of importance to your goals. In 2017 you will have needed extra away days to help you get what you want, and this continues till November 2018.

As long as you stay positive you will achieve more domestic harmony by the middle of the year when things run more harmoniously on the home front. July brings some special people into your social life with potential for an affectionate bond to develop.

An elderly male figure could be a source of worry making you increasingly aware of how transient life is forcing a re appraisal of plans for the future. New friends broaden your horizons during 2018 and will replace those lost or left behind.

Romance rolls into your life April-May with shared pleasures mid July. Love trials continue from August till the end of the year, reminding you the path of true love never runs smoothly.

Jupiter brings new and exciting people your way during the year ahead and if you’re not looking for love the potential for developing a new business partnership looks healthy.


Power or ego struggles need dealing with at the start of the year, don’t allow a male figure or someone in authority to take control of your life, but do be nice to the bank manager.

You will have been travelling more widely over the past year, and this continues in 2018 and in June some of the short distance travelling for fun or leisure will be extra enjoyable.

Career wise some fortunate trends take a long time to develop but there are colleagues around willing to offer good advice and pass on their skills to help you get where you want to be. A low position is better than no position and the only way can be up so be patient.

Late April is a good time to plan for time with loved ones and May brings deeper co operation among relatives. If you are looking for love try joining new groups in March to increase chances of meeting like minded people, but it will be November when romance is easy and enjoyable.


Spare time is entertaining and full of new interests this year, stay open to invites to new and unusual pursuits that will bring fascinating experts your way.

Relationships have been a source of disappointment for a long time, but also an area of life that has needed clearing out. Parting with some friends who no longer meet your needs, nor you theirs, can be a positive sign you are ready to reach out to new friends and 2018 has many of these to meet and greet. Stay positive.

13th July is a date to watch for emotional events connected to a male figure who featured prominently in some way in your life, but whose loss may lead to a temporary lack of confidence. Allow yourself time to re examine your soul’s purpose and resolve to develop unused inner resources to help you forge ahead without him.

Love is all around mid May to mid June when a new outfit can help boost spirits and attract admiration, making you feel vital once more. September and December can also be exciting times for romance. Be advised relationships are more demanding than usual and a spring clean of your friendship wardrobe is likely to leave hanging only those old associates who are tried and tested.


The January 31st FM impacts upon personal creativity and dynamism, signalling a loss or parting with a male or father figure who has had an important influence on your growth or progress in some way. This makes you more relationship focussed by mid February, putting career projects on hold.

April brings a time to assert your authority and expertise and forge ahead with plans to improve your status and expand your influence with a loved one supporting your efforts.

Recognition or praise is given in May when your efforts are finally recognised and appreciated. Join new groups or mix with authorities this month to maximise your potential.

Domestic life is full of twists and turns for 2018 and extending or even changing your home will take up time and energy. Be prepared to adjust living standards and daily home routine to accommodate new career or business demands.

A need to learn from past experience before signing papers interrupts progress in legal affairs in March. Make sure you understand all the details on a contract.

June brings attention from admirers and in July-August some warmhearted exchanges keep hearts fluttering.

A new enterprise commands your attention by September and it is November when you feel the support of a loved one helps you feel more confident of getting what you really want.


You could be considering a change of home, view or surrounds at the start of 2018 and by the end of the year any progress or improvements on the domestic front look beneficial.

Spare time seems full of hard work and hurdles but careful planning wins the day. You are more concerned with doing the right thing and following rules and routine than spontaneity, but you break this mould during March and August when pleasure pursuits become hectic. By the end of the year you will have exchanged one favourite pastime with a new hobby.

2018 is a time for exploring new pathways, enjoying short trips to new places and broadening your horizons by accepting invites to journey to areas outside your locality and learn something new.

Teamwork pays off in Feb-March while May looks good for career progress with a new position of authority to show how good you are at what you do. Others don’t always admire your perfectionist streak but working with them can expose you to new ways of achieving what you want if you persevere.

April is good for long distance travel and July has a new admirer looking your way so look up from your desk to make sure you don’t miss out on a boost to your ego. Buy a new frock,flowers and perfume to increase your power of attraction.


Mid July brings a time for deep meditation or just staying away from the madding crowd to think things through. A career opening at this time might seem attractive but do spend time examining which of your long term goals it will truly help you achieve, and could it just be a vanity project that ultimately becomes your undoing? New starts are inevitable in 2018, only you can make them work out for the best.

Domestic life seems more of a burden than usual due to a constant need to attend to repairs or struggle to make changes to your environment to smooth your goal accomplishment. After November these problems will slowly disappear.

Finances seem trouble free with new purchases fetching comfort and satisfying surrounds to offset some of the frustrations at home.

March brings co operation from collaborates and close friends ending a period of arguments and insecurity. Good luck favours your health and well being from 2 April to mid May, when a loved one helps you feel more confident of plans for the future.

Mid May-mid June is a good time to establish your worth and improve your status on the career front.


The 31st Jan may bring news of a career opportunity but tread carefully for while it helps you leap over current problems, it will not deliver long term solutions or a permanent rise in your status.

In recent times you may have had to revisit your personal code of morality with a realisation that the old adage ‘you reap what you sow’ has profound implications for those who ignore it. You will become increasingly interested in eastern philosophy and foreign cultures to help discover new codes of conduct to guide your future life goals during 2018 and beyond.

Personal goals may remain unfulfilled but working to lay foundations to pursue them at some future date is your best plan.

Finances remain buoyant and relatives enjoy some prosperity to share after November.

Love looks low in March while late May-mid June brings a subtle encounter with the love of all things bright and beatiful making life seem worthwhile after all.


Centaurs have had such a tough two and half years they now seem only a shadow of their former selves.

Saturn,the old task master, has left you frayed around the edges and forced you to take greater care of yourself ready for those matures times ahead.

The good news starts here Sagittarius.

Hurrah! At last! Saturn has now moved on leaving you feeling freer than ever before. Yes you have looked within and chartered unexplored inner traits and talents you never knew existed and you can now put these to work for you in 2018.

Self confidence will grow as the year progresses with old problems dissolving and solutions appearing like magic to help you feel loved and wanted again, especially in April-May when everyone seems to want to help you get what you want.

My only warning is not to let previous trials leave you bitter, do make sure your conversation stays upbeat and positive and avoid dwelling upon sad circumstances if you want to make new friends and influence people who matter.

A new sense of being can make you overly optimistic so take heed. Do keep updated with frauds and double check mail and the credentials of people and organisations you deal with so you don’t lose a fortune to unscrupulous individuals.

By the end of 2018 new planetary chemistry surrounds you making the world your Ascot race course all over again.


Old goats are the architects and builders of the zodiac but can often get so trapped by ambition to succeed at work their love and social life plays second fiddle, leaving them a little too serious if not humourless at times.

Saturn your ruler now sashays into your sun sign signalling a two year phase of extra hard work and climb up the status ladder. You are a hardy beast and can stand all weathers in the acres of success but Saturn will also make you become more self seeking than usual. Avoid too much time in solitude soul searching, though for sure testing times will lead to a need to examine whether you have more to give, develop or explore and who or what should benefit from your efforts.

You will be a better goat at the end of the year, also a wiser creature than now.

March brings one foot on the brake another on the accelerator get your blood pressure checked to avoid mistaking inner for outer turbulence. March is also a good time for working from home or on it.

Love is low in April but flourishes again in mid May-June and in July a break in foreign lands could lead to a holiday romance. September working in teams or joining new groups helps you gravitate towards very important people who help expand your horizons and give new ideas and directions to stimulate fantastic new growth and a wider sphere of influence.


Your solar chart has Jupiter aiding career efforts but more importantly it brings new associates some of which can broaden your career goals and aid your status and standing in the community. These people are important and well established in their own field and can give you advice or ideas to help you grow and develop, so pay attention when they are around. A male associate is in a position to help you achieve your ambitions.

Charity work or working in sports, media, education or entertainment fields are especially favoured. Teamwork and joining associations and groups can aid your rise to influence.

July generally is a month where you feel more dynamic but harnessing energy purposefully will pose problems. Increased ambition combined with an impulsive restless drive to succeed whatever the weather, might not culminate in your best success. In addition all eyes are turned upon you at the end of the month make sure it’s for the right reasons. The 31st brings news of a father figure who played his part in your affairs earlier in the year in February.

Romance rolls around late April when a cultural venue could bring a brief encounter to enjoy. Mid June to July relationships flow satisfactorily, and in September an affair could become office gossip. Your challenge is to learn to how keep secrets.


You tend to dreaming, scheming and writing internal film scripts for yourself and others, often these never reflect reality. If you work in the film or creative fields this can be an excellent trait, but beware assigning roles to those you care for if they have not chosen them or articulated these for themselves as it could cause problems that rebound upon you.

Fortunately 2018 creates a new sense of optimism to keep you bright and cheerful and good luck frequently enables you to feel singled out by fate for some fabulous fortune in life. It’s a good year for making a wish and realising it with little effort, though be careful of what you wish for.

Team and group work demand greater time, solution seeking and commitment than perhaps you want to give, leaving you with a need to prioritise which to stay or leave, and secrecy and discretion become your motto of the year.

An April Spring clean brushes away cobwebs with loved ones helping clear the air. May brings pleasurable pursuits with young people and a chance for romance. July is a time to ask others to co operate and a new partnership could bring not just a money spinning sideline but a satisfying relationship worth developing.