In addition to its much-loved textile art, craft and design line-up of workshops and galleries, this year The Spring Knitting & Stitching Show at Olympia, London (28th February – 3rd March, 2019) will have an exciting new programme dedicated to dressmaking. So if you’ve ever dreamed of making clothes from scratch, or freshening up your wardrobe and don’t know where to start, this show is for you.
We have an exclusive discount code for ticket purchases for MT readers!
At the show’s Spring Sewing School, top tutors will be hosting full and half-day dressmaking technique and upcycling workshops, including mastering the basics for beginners, making a garment in a day and intermediate skills for more experienced dressmakers. The Show Theatre will feature handmade fashion catwalks and live dressmaking competitions, plus there will be a wide range of haberdashery suppliers. The Fashion and Textile Museum will be hosting 50 Years of Fabulous, a showcase collection of garments from its forthcoming exhibition celebrating iconic British designer Zandra Rhodes’ 50th anniversary.
The Spring Knitting & Stitching Show features an extensive workshop and demonstration programme covering an array of crafts, from traditional to contemporary knitting and stitching, wet and needle felting, embroidery, leather work and free motion machine embroidery, with a bigger emphasis this year on upcycling and remodeling. For the second year running, the show will host The National Needlecraft Awards. Developed by online needlecraft retailer SewandSo, the awards celebrate the world of needlecraft, recognising talent and skill.
There will be gallery exhibitions by textile artists such as Ailish Henderson, Catherine Kaufman, and the Quilters Guild. Drop-in knitting and crochet lessons will be provided by UK Handknitting and there will be advice clinics for a range of textile crafts. The stunning Enchanted Wood, an elaborate scene of knitted and crocheted magical creatures, created by the Louise Hamilton Knit & Yarn Group and the Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, will be on display. This amazing collaborative creation has been made in aid of the Louise Hamilton Trust Appeal, who are fundraising to build a 10-bed hospice unit at James Paget University Hospital in Great Yarmouth.
A new Sip & Stitch Bar combines hands-on stitching with a glass of Prosecco; what’s not to like?! For those looking to add to their fabric stash, update their sewing machine or start a new knit or stitch project in the New Year, over 150 specialist retailers will be on hand to help satisfy those shopping cravings.
We have an exclusive discount code for MT Readers! Please quote MT2019 when making your booking to obtain £2 off advance adult tickets or £1 off advance concession tickets. There is a £1.75 fulfillment fee per transaction.
This discount is for advanced bookings only and can be redeemed before 23:59 on Wednesday 27th February 2019. To book tickets please go to : or call 0844 581 1319 and quote the discount code MT2019.