Tag Archives: strength

It’s all about balance

It’s all about balance

Jess Kuehne leads the Centre for Ageing Better’s programme on physical activity. Here she tells MT how we can build our strength and balance as we get older, and why it’s so important. Many people bel ...
Essential Vitamins for the Over 50’s

Essential Vitamins for the Over 50’s

As the saying goes, you are as young as you feel, however as we age, we can start to feel exactly how old we are. Our eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, we creak and crack just a little bit more a ...
Why travelling is an investment

Why travelling is an investment

Saint Augustine once said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Very true, for far away, outside the confines of our cosy home lies a treasure trove of expe ...