Tag Archives: reader letter

I want to be alone

I want to be alone

I have recently got divorced from my husband of 30 years.  It was a fairly amicable split:  we decided that we did not make each other happy anymore and to stay together would be destructive. It is st ...
Concerned about cuts? You should be.

Concerned about cuts? You should be.

We’re right to be concerned about the cuts to the services older people especially rely on but many of us have seen things can be changed for the better and can lobby politicians and decision makers w ...
Let’s have our very own TV channel

Let’s have our very own TV channel

I read with interest the letter from Mr Johnson, Mature Times January 2015, in which he says he tends to only watch BBC as they do not have annoying adverts.  I totally agree with Mr Johnson and in my ...
Keep cyclists off pedestrian paths

Keep cyclists off pedestrian paths

For a long time I have battled against cyclists who refuse to dismount on pedestrian paths and expect me to give way to them. On the footpath in question there was a sign of a black cyclist within a r ...