Tag Archives: politics

Well, we didn’t see that coming!

Well, we didn’t see that coming!

This is our last edition of the year and looking back over 2016, it was one full of surprises. When I was asked to sum up the year the main reaction was one of incredulity. So much has changed in gove ...
So long, Leonard Cohen 1934-2016

So long, Leonard Cohen 1934-2016

The first great casualty of the Trump election was the complete opposite of Trump. So unlike Trump was Leonard Cohen that you cannot imagine the two on the same planet. At least Cohen, a poet, singer, ...
Project Fear in the EU

Project Fear in the EU

Dear Sir, On the front page of the November issue you talk of lies and fabrications made by both sides in the EU referendum debate. As one who has opposed UK membership of the EU for over forty years ...
Brexit referendum

Brexit referendum

Dear Editor, I have to strongly disagree with two recent letters which supported Brexit, even though the European Union itself was scarcely mentioned by either writer. I and many other older people vo ...