Your stars of the week 5th – 12th September

Your stars of the week 5th – 12th September

The Full Moon on 9th is in Pisces, bringing to an end, conclusion or solution to some of your most secret desires and dreams.

I expect you are in a bit of a daze with all that leisure and loving over the summer. Keeping romance alive is going to keep you busy over the week ahead.

You like to move quickly but while you are busy planning which way to go fate steps in and alters your perspective making you realise adaptability is your best asset.

Sensory pleasures can help you feel more earthed and in touch with reality as well as stimulating new ideas about how to employ your creative instincts.

The week ahead is best for clearing out the garage and getting rid of old broken and unwanted things take up much needed space.

You look and feel great and with Venus veering into your orbit you could be collecting a few accessories to ensure a feel good factor to celebrate your birthday with.

Decisions need to be made but would it be better to keep your schemes confidential rather than risk others interfering with your plans?

You enjoy entertaining rather than getting serious, but there is a warning to bite your tongue rather than risk losing friends who may not appreciate your banter.

Income proves unreliable or not enough to match your desires.A partner may be expecting too much – so take time out to discuss a compromise.

Lady luck seems to be bringing in some pleasant times to keep you hopeful of better things ahead. Watch out for a rival who competes for something you know is yours.

Your intuition should be stronger than ever so make good use of gut instinct when it comes to fighting a sudden twist of fate.

Film, fantasy and fancy footwork fuel your talents for creative outpourings but be sure to listen to the one you love who may be tired of chasing only dreams.

Lunar Lore
The Full Moon is in Pisces on 9th, heralding the end of the summer in the northern hemisphere, and the beginning of Autumnal leaves and happy endings.