Your love life should be sizzling with a queue of admirers waiting to attract your attention. Learning new skills or enjoying outdoors sports helps keep you vibrant.
Home is you castle, fortress and stronghold from all the worlds woes. Decorating or making it more comfortable and attractive keeps you fit and focussed.
You are at a resourceful peak so any projects you put on hold should be taken out, dusted off and restarted so that some of your oldest plans can now bear fruit.
A change of residence brings a need to find new ways of communicating with people from different backgrounds to your own, or to learn a new language.
You look so good people may need to take a second look just to make sure you are not a celebrity they need to stop and get to know better. Enjoy the attention while it lasts.
Doors to success are beginning to open and yet life seems so hectic you get stuck for which one to go through first? List your priorities then make a decision.
Words may seem to fail you at times with so many unusual ideas and encounters forcing you to stand back and rethink how you relate to life, love and the universe.
Passions continue on a high note lending you a cheeky sparkle to keep loved ones guessing. Career offers help you feel wanted, but most of all needed and loved at last.
You easily talk your way into situations that help you bask in the glory of those who achieve success, and this often works in your favour but beware jealous rivals.
If you look carefully over your should you may see a little guardian angel helping you at the last minute. Don’t look back, look forward with new hope and optimism.
Times are about to get more interesting for you with more recognition for you abilities, fewer obstacles along with more co operation from those in authority.
With so many waiting in line for you attention you must be feeling more popular than ever. At least this helps clear away all those cobwebs that clouded previous views.