You need to speak your truth clearly and concisely but must also decide whether to take up your pen or a sword to make others hear what you need to say.
You are so fired up but whether you win or lose the battles you fight will help decide the best way to make use of an overload of passionate energy.
You look good and will be feeling more artistic or creative than ever. Is it time to indulge a few idle luxuries just to help make that special person notice?
The New Moon on 18th brings inner ambitions to the surface. Will you accept the offer of a leading role or bask on the beach at your own pace instead?
An old flame keeps you busy wondering whether you made the right decisions. Relationships are so tricky could it be you need to think again about your choices?
Finally you rise above some major hurdles and new solutions arise more easily to old problems. Relax and unwind and enjoy a wave of love coming your way.
Working with others helps stimulate your creativity but changes ahead in the team that surrounds you may start unsettling your dynamism.
Get ready for the authorities to step in and alter some of the rules you have been using to manouvre others into doing what you want.
When things get tough take a look around and see you might not have impressed some, but good friends have stayed around to help when times get tougher.
Looking for love means you often have to kiss one hundred frogs but it could be a the next one may be a not so slimy soulmate after all.
Think carefully before mortgaging the dog or cat to fund a new interest and why aren’t you opening the dooor when love comes knocking on it?
If only you had a mobile home where would you wander? Instead of meandering invite a few friends around to party and listen to more of your music collection.