Your stars for the week, 30th October – 6th November 2015

Your stars for the week, 30th October – 6th November 2015

A time for better trends helping you express your needs and wants more clearly by declaring better limits and guidelines for truer understanding.
Conflict resolution skills are needed if you want to avoid upsetting others. Let them know what a wise owl you are by giving updates on facts they may be unaware of.
Stay calm and don’t let people ruffle your feathers. You know a lot but need to give others time to catch up. Consult independent experts for reliable guidance.
Secret gatherings provide intrigue and capture your interest. A relative you haven’t met for a while could be a source of speculation and insight into family affairs.
You try hard to juggle all the balls to keep family affairs running smoothly whilst racing around to keep finances flowing. State your needs clearly to get support you need.
Many opportunities arise to spice up your life and keep you upbeat and happy. A special journey ahead provides a tour of self growth and mystical encounters.
Good luck helps you deal with unexpected or unforeseen events and gives you new scope for self expression and deeper learning. It’s time to share, try listening more.
You can be adaptable when it suits your needs, but the week ahead brings a time to respond more appropriately to requests if you want to remain respected.
You enjoy being the hub around which all revolves, but of course this means demands on your time and skills become overstretched. It’s time to take a back seat.
Networking and social affairs command your attention when you would prefer more time alone. People view your need for retreat as anti social, prove them wrong.
More changes in your daily and work routine challenge you to invent new ways of managing the workload which leads to exploring your talents and developing new skills.
Make good use of your ingenuity to bring together the conflicting demands of everyone by turning them into a team of brilliant individuals all working towards one aim.