A response to EU – in or out

A response to EU – in or out

Good day.

The lead article in the June edition appears to be encouraging Pensioners to vote in the coming Referendum to stay in. The counter-arguments are there but with little supporting editorial.
I shall vote no to staying in.  Some of my reasons:

Pensions:  UK pensions, State and private, were paid long before the UK joined the EU.  UK pensioners were able, if they so desired, to move abroad and take their pensions with them.

Healthcare: UK Pensioners traveling outside Europe need to take out adequate medical insurance. Currently, UK citizens may use free healthcare in Europe but European citizens may use the NHS free of charge. The NHS is overstretched

Fuel:  Having ‘handed over’ our fuel requirements to the whims of a foreign supplier, whether in or out of the EU, we are potentially vulnerable to fluctuations and cessations of supply and to price increases. Being a satellite to Brussels does not change this.

Levy: Many UK citizens object to subsidising European farmers and to being under Brussels rules.
Travel: Currently, UK citizens may travel unhindered throughout the EU, but European citizens may travel unhindered to the UK. The rise of UKIP says it all.

Let us get out of Europe and return to supporting the Commonwealth.

Janet Sweet
