Tag Archives: readers letters

Prosperity is not a blame game

Prosperity is not a blame game

Dear Sirs, I am APPALLED at the Sun type headline of ‘are the baby boomers to blame for all society’s ills?‘ The blatant ignorance promulgated in your headline and article ignores th ...
Stop our robbing government

Stop our robbing government

Nobody likes to have things stolen from them, and we normally take precautions to stop it from happening. So why are so many people so indifferent when it’s the government who are robbing us? Ov ...
Internet is dangerous

Internet is dangerous

I was delighted to read Mr R Morris’s letter – Internet, no thanks. (Nov/Dec 2015) I, and a number of friends, do not have, and do not wish to have, anything to do with the Internet. It seems to ...
The woes of ageing

The woes of ageing

As the hen said “Growing old is no yolk”. You know when you’re growing old when every part of the body hurts, and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work. The gleam in your right eye is only the sunlight hitt ...