I can only agree with Andrew Silk’s article on visiting London, and cheaply at that. There are many places to visit and things to do if one cares to look and find. I often travel to visit my children in Edgware/North London and using my free Essex bus pass, travel from Edgware to Oxford Street in around 45 minutes. It is a good remedy for those who are lonely and wish to be amongst crowds and surrounding conversations, even if you are not involved.
It is an ideal place for a weekend visit, taking in the free museums and art galleries (a small donation is always appreciated, and look out for free walkabout lectures usually early afternoon).
When I worked in London, I passed by a number of famous people and without blowing my own trumpet too much, saw – Sam Fox (clothed), The Queen Mother, Edward Heath, Arnold Shwarzenegger, Penelope Keith, Quentin Crisp, and many others all around the Piccadilly and Bond street areas. True, London has changed enormously over the last forty five years or so, but it is incredibly varied in what it has to offer. I can only conclude with a well known term – GO FOR IT.
Roger Braga, Burnham on Crouch