A letter from Phil Jones – NHS Crisis

A letter from Phil Jones – NHS Crisis

I am sorry your reader, R. Bilbrough of Suffolk feels “upset and angry” that the older generation is often mentioned as a “major factor why the NHS is in such a crisis”. In his “Diaries”, Christopher Mullin, MP for Sunderland wrote, “the middle classes are not paying enough tax”.

But your reader is surely mistaken to say that, “not a word is ever said” about the increasing population due to immigration. What about the shameful, obsessive, mean-spirited, continual misreporting on migrants and refugees in some newspapers?

The European Commission has noticed. Their report, More seriously misleading reporting on EU migration and benefits, dated 20 October 2013, is available online to those who choose to read it.

Dr Mike Galsworthy of “Scientists for EU” reminds us that migrants are most often healthy. Not so much using the NHS, as running the NHS.

Now, after the EU referendum, there is an emigration problem. Citizens of other EU member states are leaving the UK, broken-hearted, because of feeling unwelcome, ignored, rejected. We should be the welcoming, tolerant, friendly country that we have been known to be.

Phil Jones, High Wycombe