A letter from Ants Aug – Unretirement

A letter from Ants Aug – Unretirement

I have just read the article on unretirement, and have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to unretire. I retired seven years ago at aged 60 and was one of those annoying people who couldn’t understand how I found time to work. Since retirement I have moved to a new city and now to a new country and with each move I have gone out of my way to find out what is happening and what the opportunities are in my new community.

I feel sorry for those who feel they have no purpose in life, or no routine. No-one will give you a purpose or routine, you have to do that yourself. If you’re going to sit at home feeling sorry for yourself, obviously things will not change. So, set the alarm, get up and get moving. Go for a walk while the air is still clean, meet friends for breakfast (not every day, obviously), make yourself a healthy breakfast or work on a crossword, Sudoku or Word search. When I retired I decided I needed to go to the Gym (something I’d never done before) in order to help maintain my health. Although it was hard at first I stuck at it and now go 3 times a week for an hour and feel much better. As a bonus I have made several new friends.

As for travel, most pensioners have a bus-pass. Admittedly a day in Bradford or Skegness is not the same as a trip to the USA or Australia, but at least it will get you away from the hum-drum. If you haven’t got enough to do and are lonely there are always volunteer opportunities at charity shops etc and various social clubs to attend. Take up a hobby and meet with other hobbyists.With a little thought the world is your lobster!

In summary, take charge of your life and enjoy your retirement. You’ve earned it.

Ants Aug