Leading physicians and patients have joined together to launch the first ever group – Heart Valve Voice – to tackle heart valve disease in the UK after new survey results highlighted a worrying lack of concern about the disease amongst the over 60s; the group most likely to suffer from the condition.
Despite over 1 million people in the UK being affected by heart valve disease, less than 3% of over 60s are concerned. More than half of them claimed that their doctor rarely, or never, checked their heart with a stethoscope despite this being the simplest way to detect the disease.
The symptoms are described as:
Having chest pain – Are you suffering from chest pain, dizziness, or experiencing palpitations?
Exercise difficulties – Are you finding it difficult to exercise and move around as easily?
Age – Are you feeling older than your age?
Respiratory difficulties – Are you feeling short of breath?
Tiredness – Are you suffering from tiredness and fatigue?
Professor Ben Bridgewater, Heart Valve Voice Chair and Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, University Hospital of South Manchester states: “Heart valve disease can have catastrophic consequences if the symptoms are mistaken or simply put down to being a sign of ageing.
“At the moment many people are referred to surgery too late and as a result they do not derive the optimal benefits from surgery and their future health may be compromised.
“It is important that we push for earlier diagnosis and treatment, and this is what Heart Valve Voice aims to do, as when it comes to heart valve disease ‘if you miss it, you miss out’.”
Heart Valve Voice believes every patient with heart valve disease, or those over 65 years of age at risk of having heart valve disease, should receive a timely diagnosis, effective care and optimal treatment at the earliest opportunity.
The group is calling for every patient to have a right to expect automatic screening and access to treatment.
Ivy Lovell, a heart valve disease patient and member of Heart Valve Voice, comments: “I wasn’t aware of heart valve disease and it wasn’t until after a few health scares that the condition was finally detected. Since being treated with a minimally invasive procedure called TAVI, I’ve felt in perfect health.
I’m 90 years of age, and I can take long walks and drive to see my family. Effective diagnosis and management gave me my life back. So, in being a part of Heart Valve Voice and raising awareness about this condition I hope I can help other patients who may not be as lucky as me.”
The lack of awareness of heart valve disease amongst both patients and healthcare professionals is of increasing concern due to the poor prognosis if left untreated.
Additionally, studies have identified a striking relationship between heart valve disease and advancing age, with estimates suggesting that by the age of 75, the prevalence of heart valve disease is over 13%.
With the UK over-65 population set to nearly double by 2050, this adds to the cause for concern.
If you have any of the symptoms described above or are concerned that you may be affected the answer is simple visit your doctor!
For more information on heart valve disease and Heart Valve Voice, please visit the Heart Valve Voice website at: www.heartvalvevoice.co.uk