Monthly Archives: June 2016

Look no cables!

Look no cables!

Patricia Vine reviews the Gtech Cordless Lawnmower The demand for battery-powered mowers is increasing as their efficiency and effectiveness has greatly improved.  They are clean, green and easy to us ...
Use it or lose it!

Use it or lose it!

Thank you for keeping Mature Times so bright and breezy! This 80-year-old registered disabled reader very much enjoyed reading Christine Parkinson’s illuminating front-page story headlined ‘Held back ...
On the beach in style and comfort

On the beach in style and comfort

Earlier in June we had a weekend of nice weather so I packed my beach bag and went to the beach with the granddaughters. Luckily it was a day of exceptionally low tide so we donned our swimsuits grabb ...
SoeMac – The Science of Sleep

SoeMac – The Science of Sleep

As an asthmatic insomniac with a snoring husband I jumped at the chance to test the SoeMac machine which is advocated as an aid to sleep. According to the information provided, everyone can benefit fr ...