This week in history 16th March

This week in history 16th March

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us.

Marshal YugoslaviaTo remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay the same it is fascinating to note what made the news this week, starting 16th March in years past.

1953 Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia arrives in Britain, the first communist head of state to visit the country

1967 Supertanker Torrey Canyon is grounded off the coast of Cornwall

Ernie Wise1982 Argentinian soldiers plant a flag on South Georgia

1995 Ronnie Kray gangland killer dies in hospital

1999 Ernie Wise dies at the age of 73

2003 US launches missiles at Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad

This week’s Birthdays

Jerry Lewis16th Actor Jerry Lewis is 89

17th Actress Lesley-Anne Down is 61 and Actor Patrick Duffy is 66

19th Actress Ursula Andress is 79 and Glenn Close is 68

20th Director Spike Lee is 58

21st Bond Actor Timothy Dalton is 71