Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for October 2017

Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for October 2017

An insight to your month ahead from Starsite and Tricia’s horoscope predictions! See what is in store for you and your stars…


Health and well being needs extra care the first weeks of the month, let others know how you feel so they don’t take your grumpiness to heart.

The second half of the month relationships race onto the fast track with passionate exchanges, fun and games.

Approach people in authority before 24th as the last week of the month shows them difficult to deal with.


Making the most of leisure and spare time pursuits the first two weeks but avoid viruses flourishing during seasonal temperature changes.

Take care with legal and official affairs after mid month but be confident some good people are around to offer advice and help during the last week of October.

You popularity begins to bring a whole new circle of friends your way for the next few months.
Some good times ahead but also challenges to keep you growing.


Domestic chores are better shared so do make everyone join in to lessen the load. Working for shared aims helps build bonds which for the second half of October can be extended into outdoor and joint adventures with potential for new romances to spice up the mix.

Avoid negative people to keep yourself upbeat and don’t let puzzling events at work get you down. Jupiter is about to throw new light onto some challenging situations affecting colleagues and work routines.

At the end of the month look out for new solutions to old problems to take some care away.


The first week sees you focussing on either a new task or work project with a higher profile bringing a little fame your way, though this may just be sudden, unexpected and short lived.

Jupiter is about to prompt you to think about taking on new courses, or taking up new interests this may involved working with charities or young people so be prepared to look for different ways to spend spare time that could be of benefit to yourself and others.

Look up old friends in the final week but get outdoors to meet new ones with shared interests.


Put the finishing touches to precious personal projects this month because time will soon run out for polishing them off as new challenges arise throughout October demanding more of your time and attention.

Domestic affairs create conflict with the work routine mid month which could take the shape of a few visitors or guests to look after and show around.

Spare time hasn’t been as enjoyable as usual but make the most of short journeys and travel with friends to make up for it in the second half of the month.


You place far too much importance on strict routine an regulation when sometimes a little deviation into creative outlets would bring the perfection you seek in everything you do.

Share new ideas with family and friends and kick start a few new enterprises with them to get you thinking outside the box and enjoying life a little more.

Jupiter is going to make sure you try out new methods of travel or a new route to work just to broaden your horizons by the final week of the month.


Secrets and lies and spin can be fun and a good source of endless gossip to entertain or make you feel important but be prepared for them to come out into the open after mid month.

Get ready to look your best and if you are looking for love then Venus your ruler encourages you to buy a new outfit, get accessories and bling to flaunt your figure and availability. New admirers now salsa onto your dance floor.

Finances need re structuring if you want to make the most of hard earned cash try not to spend too much partying and get some good dietary advice to help you feel as good as you look.


Recognition or praise comes your way with potential for a rise in income or to be given a promotion in some shape or form.

Money is still over committed but some skilful budgeting helps you make end meet. Be positive in how you communicate to keep others listening and don’t lose confidence after 24th
stay ahead of events.

Jupiter is about to move into your sun sign, hard work to come but some excellent trends for major life change and improvements ahead.


Yes life is sometimes full of nasty little gremlins or responsibilities standing in the way of all that fun you normally indulge in.

Never mind centaur, all is not lost, just a few love’s labours, but book a short break away with a reliable airline to shed a few pounds and who knows a holiday romance could also help boost your much deflated spirits. Much soul searching yields just how many talents you have hidden away.

Be resourceful.


You remind me of a red squirrel prone to all and every bug the grey brings so you hide away until danger passes.

Venus and Mars join forces in your solar house of career forcing you to put your head out and be shot at or shoot back. I would choose the latter.

There are so many good things to enjoy and work isn’t always one of them, though an office romance could fire up your passions.

By the end of October you are going to looking at some new groups and networks that bring encounters with some very unusual but clever people.


You have been forced to pour oil on troubled waters and help heal family rifts where arguments and disputes break out. happily after mid month your attention can turn to higher things with renewed hopes for the future along with some good fortune helping you plan ahead to fulfil your own goals and forget conflicts.

Slowly but surely you are climbing the ladder to success so be sure and clear about your chosen destination as by the end of the month the right people are going to surround you and help propel you along your chosen pathway.


Relationships have been passionate and exciting or at least full of surprising twists and turns.
By mid month friends and associates are very co operative and give help when it is needed the most.

A little guardian angel is about to settle on your shoulder fetching an end to some of the unwanted events that have confounded your trusted aims and methods.

Get ready by the end of October for some smoother times and practise cosmic ordering ready for a little bit of wish fulfilment to come.