Tag Archives: your views

All in a good cause

I am getting really fed up with plastic bags being pushed through my letter box asking me to fill them up with unwanted goods to give to charity. I pride myself on not having stuff I don’t need and ha ...
How old?

How old?

I recently attended (yet another) funeral. A friend, who did not know the deceased, asked me how old he had been. I wasn’t sure, so said “about our age”. “Oh, well, then he was ...
The lost art of letter writing

The lost art of letter writing

I have in recent years been writing to relatives/friends in care homes and my letters have given them real pleasure. It all started years ago when I realised how lonely my mother was. She lived in Sco ...
I want to be alone

I want to be alone

I have recently got divorced from my husband of 30 years.  It was a fairly amicable split:  we decided that we did not make each other happy anymore and to stay together would be destructive. It is st ...