Tag Archives: retirement

Time to veg out!

Time to veg out!

You may be surprised to learn that there’s a charity for older vegetarians and vegans! Vegetarians for Life (VfL) was established in 2008 to promote that no-one should be forced to give up on their di ...
A letter from Ants Aug – Unretirement

A letter from Ants Aug – Unretirement

I have just read the article on unretirement, and have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to unretire. I retired seven years ago at aged 60 and was one of those annoying people who couldn ...
State pension age has to rise further

State pension age has to rise further

Removing barriers for older people to remain in work has the potential to contribute greatly to the health of individuals and the affordability of public services. That’s one of the findings from a re ...