Tag Archives: Hampshire

U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

What makes 40 well-balanced, intelligent third agers decide to face the challenge of abseiling down Portsmouth’s 100 metre high Spinnaker Tower as they did at 8 am on a sunny morning in mid May? The c ...
Why not park yourself in England?

Why not park yourself in England?

Imagine … your own holiday home by the sea or surrounded by beautiful countryside. There’s no plane to catch, no check-in queues, in fact no hassle whatsoever. Simply throw some essentials in a bag, j ...
Fleet’s ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ team.

Fleet’s ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ team.

A team of mainly retired volunteers put their effort into those tasks the rangers cannot fit into a full schedule at Fleet Pond, Hampshire’s largest freshwater lake. Calling themselves the ‘Last ...
The perfect escape in Lymington

The perfect escape in Lymington

Travel editor David Powell takes a short break to Lymington and reports back for Mature Times. Read what he thought of Lymington and Stanwell House in particular .. My wife and I were just passing thr ...