Tag Archives: education

Volunteering benefits

Volunteering benefits

I’m 83 and have been volunteering for over 50 years. I can’t remember why I decided to volunteer for the Samaritans, but it was both an enlightening and saddening experience. Some people seemed to hav ...
Should violence be met with violence?

Should violence be met with violence?

Robert Tanitch reviews My Children! My Africa! at Trafalgar Studios 2, London SW1 Athol Fugard’s play, which premiered in Johannesburg in 1989, is set five years earlier, in the era of Apartheid, and ...
Never too old to learn

Never too old to learn

Studying for the over 60s is beneficial for so many reasons and not only for improving skills needed in the modern workplace. Learning in your more mature years keeps your brain active. Discussing ide ...