Tag Archives: AIDS

On this week in history

On this week in history

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
My Night with Reg feels like a modern classic

My Night with Reg feels like a modern classic

Robert Tanitch reviews My Night with Reg at Apollo Theatre, London W1 Kevin Elyot’s excellent comedy of gay sexual manners was already a period piece when it was originally staged in 1994. Succe ...
A fascinating, revelatory documentary

A fascinating, revelatory documentary

Joyce Glasser reviews How to Survive a Plague (November 8, 2013) Cert. 15, 110 min. The first known death from AIDS was in 1981 (a New Yorker). In 1985 Rock Hudson died of AIDS but few knew his cause ...