Your stars for the week 1st – 8th May

Your stars for the week 1st – 8th May

Is it time to introduce the love of your life to the family or are you planning a get together with loved ones and relatives? Expect changes at home around 4th.

A very active time when spring cleaning or a much needed tidy up of essential admin helps you feel organised and more in control of affairs.

Your creative talents peak so get ready to deliver your best performance. You charm the feathers off the birds and soar past anyone trying to clip your butterfly wings.

Sudden changes can be disturbing but by now you have learned to go with the flow rather than sinking under high tides. An old friend or flame helps you sail more smoothly.

It’s now easier to assert your expertise and take the lead lending confidence to those who doubted your ability. Team efforts bring success.

Relationships are an endless source of mystery and magic for you but if you want stronger bonds organise a project to engage your hearts desire.

A family rift requires your intervention but can you be sure you have the best impartial advice to offer when you could be the source of the problem?

You get put in the spotlight for good or ill so beware attempts to run away for those wanting explanations will not let you hide. Avoid deceptions.

Little pieces of truth keep seeing the light of day but it will take time for the full picture to emerge. Watch out for around 4th when some more secrets circulate.

At long last your social life takes priority and you realise how much fun life has to offer when you choose happiness over hard work and drudgery.

If people are behaving unusually is because you need to clarify what your needs are instead hoping a hint or suggestion is all that’s required?

Some wonderful things to look forward to on the home front where you share new purchases and pleasures with friends and loved ones.