Your stars for the week 10th – 17th April

Your stars for the week 10th – 17th April

Short pleasure trips bring much needed stress free vistas. Family visits may prove awkward unless you use diplomacy to avoid conflicts.

Pamper yourself ready for a glamorous spring time filled with romance and fun. An old flame returns to relight your fire but you could find warmth flows in from elsewhere.

Keeping personal affairs secret ensures no one steals your ideas but do go out and strut your stuff to show everyone you can still pack a punch when you need to.

Past memories and people return to remind you of lost pastimes and pleasures. Is it time to revive those interests and bring the benefit of wisdom to bear upon them?

Jupiter is now direct giving a green light to go forward with your plans and ambitions with fewer obstacles standing in the way. Small trips bring great rewards.

Are you becoming addicted to food or even routines that may be causing allergies? Do nurture a balanced diet as well as varied routine to stay alert and vibrant.

Prepare for long distanced jaunts to new places and fascinating horizons you never thought existed. It’s time to revitalise roots so you can enjoy the fruits.

Slowly but surely irritating people disappear or else you manage to find out what you are doing to provoke their responses. Favour positive exchanges over vitriol.

If you’rre serious about learning new skills then look carefully for a gifted teacher who has genuine wisdom and experience to impart, rather than go for the populist option.,

Romance beckons but do exercise caution as recklesslessly rushing in now may blind you to shortcomings that come back to bite you later.

Ruler Saturn is retro frustrating your attempts for successful return on all that effort you invest. Jupiter is now bringing friends who give fantastic support

At last you see the wood against the forest of trees ahead, this means finally you can carve your way forward with fewer hurdles to jump over.